Good Stewards of Our Gifts
There is a connection between stewardship and spirituality: generous giving as a spiritual discipline helps us to grow in Christ.
Tithing is the giving of our first fruits in response to all the gracious things God does for us. Tithing demonstrates trust in the Lord who has a vast storehouse from which to meet our needs.
The tithes and offerings of the members and worshiping family at Saint John make up the primary source of revenue for the church. We believe that God asks us, as members of a fellowship, to set aside a portion of our resources to support the church and its ministries. Giving is both an act of obedience and of devotion, and is an essential component of faith formation as we learn to trust God in all the areas of our lives.
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it —Psalm 24:1
For a more convenient way to give, you may set up an account through Thrivent’s Simply Giving automatic deposit program, which allows you to give directly from your checking or savings account. Please e-mail the church office or call (712) 323-7173 for more information about this and other ways of giving to Saint John.
Please note: For tax purposes, you may request an envelope number. Envelopes will be mailed to your place of residence every month.
There are other ways to support the church and ministries at Saint John, other than direct giving. We would love to have you involved in any of our ministries, contributing your time and your resources to make a difference in your community.
Here in This Place
Saint John Lutheran Church Capital Appeal 2014 — a pledge to support the physical structure of the church.
2015 Campaign
“Give to God the things that are God’s….”
In Matthew 22 we read how the Pharisees ask Jesus a question, one that, whichever way he answers it, is designed to entrap him: “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” Of course, by Jesus answering, “No,” would bring down upon him the wrath of the Roman government; and, by Jesus answering, “Yes,” would run the risk of angering his fellow countrymen, most of whom detest the Roman occupation of their homeland. Rather ingeniously, Jesus requests that someone show him a coin and then he asks: “Whose image is on this coin?” “Caesar’s,” someone from the crowd speaks up. To which Jesus replies: “Give, therefore, to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar; and give to God the things that belong to God.” In short, give God His due.
But just what is “God’s due?” This question – one that every Christian should ask – will be the focus of this year’s Fall Stewardship Campaign at Saint John. The campaign will take place over four consecutive weekends, beginning with the weekend of October 18-19, and will explore this question from the vantage point of our mission statement: “… HEAR the Word, LIVE the Word, and SHARE the Word.”
- October 18-19: “Giving God’s due in Worship” (Hear the Word)
- October 25-26: “Giving God’s due in daily Devotions” (Live the Word)
- November 1-2: “Giving God’s due in using our Spiritual Gifts” (Sharing the Word)
- November 8-9: “Giving God’s due in Joy and Gratitude” (not 10% but 100%)
Together as a congregation, we will take a fresh look at each of these aspects of stewardship. On the weekend of November 8-9, Commitment Weekend, our worship will include an opportunity for each of us to bring forward our estimate of giving cards for the next year. Please join me in praying for God’s guidance as we, as individuals and as a congregation, consider what it means to give joyfully to God all that is due to Him for the grace and blessings given to us in Christ.
— Pastor Jon