Strengths-Based Parenting:
How to Spot Strengths in Children
Taking Faith Home
Grow in faith by using the Four Keys for Faith Formation each week, based on the scripture readings from worship.
*Caring Conversation
*Rituals and Traditions
Vibrant Faith at Home
Resources for Spring
Just for Kids: Lectio Divina, Reading a Story With God
Young Family: Praying with the Senses
Young Family: Signs of Spring
Teen Families: Prepared for Purpose
Young Adults: The Truth About Lies
Adult/Couple: All Creation Bless the Lord
Adult/Couple: Scavenger for Justice
Daily Happenings In the Home
Celebrating Baptism Birthdays

We encourage you to celebrate baptism birthdays each year. Light the baptism candle, tell about the day, and remember who you are and whose you are.
Bed Time Blessings

Bedtime rituals are important for winding down the day. This is a wonderful time pray and bless one another. Highs and lows, songs, scripture reading, prayers, and blessings are wonderful ways to worship before bed.
Mealtime Prayers

Meals offer time to have caring conversation with one another and create rituals and traditions such as thanking God for the food before us and the hands that prepared it.
Death of a Pet Blessing

The death of any pet can be difficult for children and adults. Use this pet blessing to discuss and remember the special part of your family.
5 Reasons to Teach Kids the Apostle’s Creed

The Apostle’s Creed is an ancient confession of faith that boldly states what we believe as people of God. Read this article for scripture and reasoning of why it is important to teach it to children.

Faith Talk Cards & Faith Talk App (iTunes)
Faith Talk cards are a great way to hold caring conversations at any time and any place. Use them to talk with others in the car, conversation starters at the dinner table, or while engaging in devotional time. They can be used in card form or as an App on your smartphone.
Milestone Blessing Bowl

Share the stories of your faith journey using these stones as a way to highlight the milestones of life. Baptism, receiving of your first Bible, first communion, and marriage are the more often celebrated milestones of life. Others include receiving your drivers license, graduating from school, starting your first job, retiring, and moving into a nursing home. All these milestones in life are to be celebrated with Christ at the center of our lives.