All are welcome to come worship at Saint John!
The main door entrance is located directly off the large parking lot, just look for the large awning. Everything you need to participate in the worship service can be found in the bulletin you receive from the ushers at both entrances to the sanctuary and at some services is projected on a screen.
We want to keep in touch so please fill out the information insert in the bulletin and place in the offering plate.
There are doughnuts and coffee between services; we would love to enjoy some fellowship time together with you. Restrooms are located in the main Welcome Center, near the bookcase. Feel free to explore the building and ask questions of the pastors, ushers, or anyone you see! We encourage you to introduce yourself and hope you feel comfortable here.
Children are welcome and encouraged to be in worship.
We fully acknowledge that kids move and make noise. We value children’s voices and movements as an important part of our worshiping community and appreciate their presence in worship. We know all families and children have different needs so there are various options for children on Sundays. The nursery is staffed during Sunday worship services should your little one need it. If you just need some additional space to move, the worship service is shown on the TVs in the Welcome Center. Sunday School for 3 years old through 5th grade is offered at 9:45-10:45am, please meet in the sanctuary.
For more information please check out the “I’m New!” section of our website. We are so glad you are here!
“Holy Grounds”

Being a Member Here
You do not have to be a member to worship or participate at Saint John. However, there is a special sense of belonging as you learn more about Saint John and are formally welcomed.
New Member classes (aka Saint John 101) are held throughout the year. It is a series of three classes on Sunday mornings where you hear from the pastors and leaders, learn about the ministry of Saint John, and have a chance to ask questions. You are also invited to contact the pastors to meet one on one with questions you may have and so they get to know you better.