Faith Formation is Lifelong: Sunday School through Adulthood
At Saint John we are about lifelong faith formation for people of all ages.
Faith formation starts at infancy and continues throughout the journey of life. Because 90% of faith formation takes place in the home, we are committed to providing resources and support to families and households that are useful and effective.
We provide opportunities both for you and your family to grow spiritually.
We engage in relationships so that you can gain ideas from other families with kids or who have been in your shoes. We provide opportunities to learn and practice these skills so you have the tools to share and pass on faith with your child.
Some of the support comes through programming such as Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Confirmation. Other support comes through small groups, conversations, hands-on resources, and interactions with the pastors and leaders in the church. We encourage participation of children and youth in all areas of worship and the life of the church.
Christian Education
Taking Faith Home
Taking Faith Home is a weekly take-home lectionary based resource supporting Vibrant Faith Ministries’ Four Keys for Nurturing Faith in Home and Congregation”. Taking Faith Home is distributed weekly in our service bulletins.

Baptism Classes
Baptism classes are offered on various Sunday afternoons throughout the year to prepare families, sponsors, and those receiving the sacrament of baptism. Baptism is a gift from God for all ages. Prior to scheduled baptisms you will attend the class to learn about the sacrament, receive helpful tools and resources for growing in faith throughout the years, and have an opportunity to ask questions.
Please contact the church office (712) 323-7173 or to find out when the next baptism class will occur.
Christian Education
Sunday School
Sunday School runs in between the two Sunday morning worship services from 9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Sunday School begins at three years old and goes through 5th grade. Please meet in the Sanctuary at 9:45 to begin with music.
Confirmation typically starts in 6th grade and is a three year education time that provides tools for lifelong faith. Wednesday night gatherings work through Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, the Lutheran Confessions, and Spiritual Practices. Teaching is done with the intent to be hands on and interactive so that confirmands experience faith formation and gain ways to see the intersection of their faith in daily life. Confirmands experience large group and small group learning as well as one-on-one mentors from the congregation.
Adult Education
Wednesday Morning Adult Bible Study takes place on Wednesday mornings at 9:00am in the Welcome Center. We explore the texts for the upcoming weekend through conversation and learning.
Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study takes place on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the Conference Room. Pastor Jon picks a topic to study over a course of a number of weeks.
Summer Camp
Summer camp takes place at Carol Joy Holling Camp in Ashland, NE. Youth 1st-12th grade can attend week long camp along with options for an overnight for K-2nd grade.
Please register at Scholarships are available through the church and through Carol Joy Holling.
Mentoring is an important part of the confirmation experience. We value the relationships between the adults and youth in the church. Each confirmand is paired with an adult mentor who can walk with them on their faith journey and be authentic, available, and affirming. The mentors and mentees meet once a month together on a Wednesday night.
High School Youth
The high school youth gather on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. We have Bible study, discussion on faith topics, and current issues. We also do a service project once a month and hold regular game nights.
Mission Trip
High School youth are encouraged to experience and participate in God’s work in the larger world through mission trip opportunities each summer. Past trip have included serving in Minneapolis, MN, Mingo County, WV, Boundary Waters, MN, Council Bluffs, IA (stay at home mission trip!), Detroit, MI, Cheyenne River, SD, Milwaukee, WI, and the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans in July!
Worship Activities
Children in Worship
Children are always welcome in worship and Saint John. We encourage children and families to sit near the front so the kids can see better and actively participate in the service.
Blessing Bags are available in the narthex with coloring pages.
Children’s Hour is also available at the 8:30am service for children 3 years-1st Grade.
Worship Leadership
Children and youth are part of the worship leadership at Saint John through music, lectoring, ushering, greeting, acolyting, helping with altar guild, and more. Everyone at all ages have gifts they can share as we worship together.
The music ensembles of Saint John offer music ministry opportunities for all ages.
Choir On Fire
A choir for children of Sunday School age.
Praise Team
A group of adult and youth singers and instrumentalists. Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings and lead music in different worship services.